Ryoga & Ukyo Fan Fiction Links
Please give reviews to these wonderful authors!
Ninnik Nishukan
Two bad days by Red Dragonfly
Ranma and Akane are getting serious about their relationship. Ukyo and Ryoga know that their chance is slipping away. When Ukyo finds out about Ryoga’s curse, it causes a chain reaction that leads to the worst day of Ukyo’s and Ryoga’s lives.
Simple, yet very touching; saying a lot with fewer words, pretty In Character, and definitely deserving of more reviews than it has received. I hope this author considers writing more Ryoga/Ukyo, because this is good stuff.
The Ocean and Truth by ainokitsune
Ukyo annoys Ryoga, Ryoga complicates her life.
Well-written, original, beautifully descriptive, nicely contemplative, in character and intriguing-- the kind of Ryoga/Ukyo fic I've always wanted to read, and my current favourite, next to Stormy Birthday and Ranma 0.5.
Relentless by Grayson Towler
What can I say? It's one of those long, epic stories where you may have to look for the Ryoga/Ukyo interactions in the chapters, but they're so good when you find them. And it doesn't even matter, you'll want to read the rest of the story, anyway, because damn, is this stuff well-written and original! It's one of the few stories that actually deals with Akari instead of just excluding her (I'm so guilty of that) or writing her off in some short scene.
The Ryoga/Ukyo scene in the very last chapter might even make you cry-- yes, it's that great! Read it.
Unexpected Love by YamiPaladinofChaos
When you lose something, sometimes you find what you were really looking for. Beautiful fic based on a "one sentence challenge", and this author really does manage to say a lot with very few words.
No Depression by Swartzvald
The beginning of something interesting. A drunk Ukyo dancing with Ryoga at Akane and Ranma's wedding and an author who's also included an interesting flashback that makes us wonder what's actually happened and what's going to happen.
Days Lost Lamenting Lost Days by Ashes2Ashes
Ryouga saves Ukyou's life, and is nearly killed in the process. What follows forces Ryoga to reconsider his place in the world...
Extremely funny and kind of original, too.
Don't Close Your Eyes by Yunami the Dragon
Brief, angsty Ryoga/Ukyo songfic. References sex, but not really a lime...Bitter orange, maybe?
I don't know why, but this story seemed very genuine somehow, like this is how it would really be.
Solace by Apollodoria14
A short fic (it all happens in one night) about Ryoga and Ukyo, Ranma and Akane and a teensy bit of match-making.
Truth Hurts by Latin Usako
['The Truth' Side Story] Ukyo's hopes for love are shattered when she receives a visit from the Lost Boy and she must come to terms with her painful childhood.
Very nicely done, because it doesn't take the easy way out. Sweet, sweet ending.
The Truth by Latin Usako
Akane must face many truths...most of which are not all that pleasant.
Not really a lot of Ryoga/Ukyo-ness, but it's the main story for Truth Hurts.
Stormy Birthday by RuroiniGoChan
It's Ryoga's birthday and he's down on his luck until he's found by a certain spatula-slinging chef. Will this rainy day end in sunshine? Slight Ryoga/Ukyo pairing.
One of the sweetest and best Ry/Uk stories I've ever read. A little banter, a little fighting, a few laughs, a little angst, a little flirting...it's perfect.
Warming the Heart by Tori-chan
What happens when Ramna and Akane sneak off together, and Ukyo finds out? Who will be there to pick up the pieces of her life?
Warm and fuzzy without the sugar overload. Warmed my heart, anyway. :)
Changing the Heart by Tori-chan
Ryoga wanders off as usual, lost in memories of something that happened long ago. But this time, someone's there to put him back together again.
Again, Tori-chan does great WAFF. Oddly atmospheric story; nothing much happens, it's mostly Ryoga's thoughts.
Fallout by Mynuet
'fo-"laut (noun) a secondary and often lingering effect, result, or set of consequences. Unfortunately this story is discontinued, but I like it so much I added it anyway.
Wedding Night Blues by Nodoka
A completely depressed Ukyo finds herself alone on the night of Ranma and Akane's wedding...with some sake, a bridal knife...and P-Chan.
Excellent; a more life-like and slightly angsty story of Ryoga and Ukyo after the wedding. It's like darkfic meets WAFF. :) It feels more real than a lot of Ry/Uk sex stories.
In The Cold Dark Ways by Nodoka
Ukyo is knocked into a coma after an attack, and wanders a dream world, searching for whom it is who's tied to her with the fabled red string. Well, who do you think it is? ;) A pretty unique story, I'd say. Watch out for characters from other shows/manga.
Ranma 0.5: Are You A Man Or Aren't You? by Darren Demaine
Ukyo has had enough of Ryoga's bumbling and is hell-bent on teaching him to cope with the other gender.
Wild and erotic and very, very cute and silly, this is one of my favorite Ryoga/Ukyo sex stories.
Ranma 0.5:Lost Love by Darren Demaine
The sequel to Are You A Man Or Aren't You? finds Ryoga and Ukyo exploring their sex life and their emotional life further. Turns out maybe it wasn't just sex after all.
Even sillier and cuter than the first one. The trip to Ryoga's house is especially heart-warming.
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